
If you're here, you'll probably want to know a bit more, so let's introduce ourselves.

My name is Bruno, and Bakkie is more or less my third professional life.

The first was on sailing boats, as a skipper. The second was as a restaurateur.

From the first, I've kept a certain taste for doing things "with the means at hand", to quote some of the more flowery maritime expressions ;-) Keeping things simple and efficient, with very little.

It was during the second, when I was looking for a bicycle solution to transport crates of fish, crates of vegetables and bags of bread in a busy pedestrian environment, that I discovered this world of solutions designed to replace (over)motorized transport.

I opt for the longtail.

In 2017, I'm looking for a simple accessory to give to my wife to tow our son's bike back from school, which has plenty of parking for cars but nothing secure for bikes :-(

If there's already something to tow the bikes with their little riders, there's nothing to simply move the bike. So it had to be done, and it was from a friend's sail loft that this support came out, or whatever you want to call it.


The first tests quickly showed that, beyond towing, such a support can do a lot with a simple bike. And the birthday present became the first prototype of a project for all-purpose panniers. And off we go!

What's next? Accessories that are useful, simple and durable because they can be repaired. Work in progress!

On the road to degrowth on a personal level, trying to do the best I can on a professional level.

A course to set in this sea of questions about what's right and what's wrong.

Prototypes and hand-made bags (not yet online) are made in Fouras, while mass-produced Bakkies are made in Northern France.